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Dishwasher upper Top spray arm seal 1000 universal, *70003

$8.00 + FREIGHT & GST

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Omega Appliances Parts, Baumatic Dishwasher Parts, Spray Arms, Dishwasher Spray Arms, Dishwasher Door Seal


EDW125WH1, DW60CRW1, WQP12AFM, NVDE12SS, BkD60SS, BKD60W, BKD62SS, BKD62W, BKDW60SS, BKDW60W, BKDWIN14, DW60CSW1, DW60CSW2, DW60CDW1, DW60CDW2, DW60CSX1, DW60CSX2 models most Dishwasher Dw60 , dl06-07, imported 

dw60fc2w1, HDW14G2X, HDW13G1X, HDW14G2, DW60CHW1, DW60CHX1, DWCHPW1, DW60CHPX1, Dw60fc2w1, Dw60fc2x1, dw60fc2w1, dw60fc2x1, dw60fc4w1, dw60fc4x1, dw60fc6w1, dw60fc6x1, dw60fc6x1, dw60fc1w1, dw60u6i1, dw60u2i1, dw60fex1, dw60fc1w1, dw60fc1x1, hdw153g3x, hdw153g3w, dw12, hdw201ss, hdw201wh, hdw12, dw60cew1, dw60crw3, hdw100wct, hdw100sct, hdw101, dw12-tfe4wh, DW60CEW1, 

61579, HDW12-TFE3SS, 61580, HDW12-SFE3WH, 61581, HDW12-TFE3WH, 61584, HDW12-SFE3SS, 61589, HDW14G2X, 61590, HDW13G1X, 61591, HDW13G1W, 61592, HDW14G2W, 61593, HDW153G3W, 61594, HDW153G3X, 80752, DW60CEX1, 80753, DW60CCW1, 80754, DW60CCX1, 80914, DW60CHW1, 80915, DW60CHX1, 80916, DW60CHPW1, 80917, DW60CHPX1, 80918, DW60CKW1, 80919, DW60CKX1, 81123, DW60FC2W1, 81124, DW60FC2X1, 81125, DW60FC4W1, 81126,  DW60FC4X1, 81127, DW60FC6W1, 81127, DW60FC6W1, 81128, DW60FC6X1, 81129, DW60FC1X1, 81130, DW60FC1W1, 81264, DW60FEX1, 81630, DW60FC6X1, 81631, DW60FC6W1, 81632, DW60FC4X1, 81633, DW60FC4W1, 81634, DW60FC2X1, 81635, DW60FC2W1, 81636, DW60FC1W1, 81130, DW60FC1W1, 81264, DW60FEX1, 81630, DW60FC6X1, 81631, DW60FC6W1, 81632, DW60FC4X1, 81633, DW60FC4W1, 81634, DW60FC2X1, 81635, DW60FC2W1, 81636, DW60FC1W1, 81637, DW60FC1W1, 85185, DW60CDW3, 85186, DW60CDX3, DL0607,
TRD-IWQP 12-9348E Delonghi Trieste Dishwasher seal for upper spray arm  DW67W, DW67S, DW28W, DW28S, DAU1590257, 
DW60CSW1, DW60CSW2, DW60CDW1, DW60CDW2, 

Dw60, HDW9, HDW12, DW12,HDW WQP129011.58A, 300, HDW20, HDW101, HDW100,

model  LSE 620 A AUS LSE 620 A IX AUS D 61 Z D 61 EX 50-60 D 61 EX 115-60 LS 62 AG LS 620 A AUS LS 620 A IX AUS LS 620 T (SK) D 61 S UK LSE 750 T IX AUS , LSE 750 T AUS , LI 68 DUO AUS , L 63 AUS L 63 X AUS L 64 AUS.1 L 64 X AUS.1 LL 64 AUS LL 64 X AUS LD 87 X AUS LV , IDL 60 S AUS.2 IDL 60 AUS.2 ,  L 64 AUS L 64 X AUS LL,  LL 42 AUS.C LL 43 X AUS.C , LSE620AAUS LSE620AIXAUS D61Z D61, EX 50-60  D61EX 115-60 LS62AG LS620A AUS  LS620AIXAUS  LS620T (SK) D 61 S UK LSE 750 T IX AUS , LSE 750 T AUS , LI 68 DUO AUS , L 63 AUS L 63 X AUS L 64 AUS.1 L 64 X AUS.1 LL 64 AUS LL 64 X AUS LD87XAUS LV , IDL60SAUS.2  IDL60AUS.2 ,  L64AUSL64XAUS  LL,  LL 42 AUS.C LL 43 X AUS.C ,
Screen Shot 2018-11-09 at 9

We strongly recommend for you to remove your faulty part and compare it with the model number, photos, or dimensions above to ensure you are purchasing the correct part. If you are not sure if it is the correct part, please don't hesitate to contact us at info@homeappliancesonline.co.nz or by using the 'contact us' page of our website and we will reply back to you ASAP letting you know what part you should purchase.


If you purchase the wrong part, we do accept returns but there will be a 20% restocking fee.

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672030170003 682030170003,  C00098769 482000022804, 


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