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Fisher & Paykel Fridge Water Filter Capacity 386 Litre 847200 FWC3

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Long size filter for Fisher & Paykel fridges. Replaces the filter for Fisher and Paykel fridges using the 847200 model water filter. Fully compatible replacement water filter cartridge FWC3. 346 Litre Water Capacity. We recommend replacing this filter every six to twelve months for optimal water filtration.
Compatible with the following models:
RF610ADUB5, RF610ADJX5, RF610ADUSX5, RF610ADJX5,RS9120WRJ1, RS9120WLJ1,­RF442BRPUX6, RS9120WRU1, 
E522BRXFDU5, E522BLXFDU5, E522BRXFDJ5, E522BLXFDJ5, E522BRXFDJ5, E522BLXFDJ5 E442BRXFDU5, E422BRXFDJ5, E442BLXFDJ5, E442BLXFDJ5,E402BRXFDU5, E402BRXFDU5, rf605qduvx1, RF135BDLJX4 (25797-A), RF135BDLUX4 (25062-A, 25062-B, 25062-C), RF135BDRJX4 (25798-A), RF135BDRUX4 (25063-A, 25063-B, 25063-C), RF135BLPJX6 (25111-A, 25110-A, 25110-B, 25111-B, 25110-C, 25111-C)
RF170ADJX4 (25802-A), RF170ADUSB5 (25606-A, 25606-B), RF170ADUSX4 (25065-A, 25065-B, 25065-C), RF170BLPUX6 (25104-A, 25104-B, 25104-C), RF170BRPUX6 (25103-A, 25103-B, 25103-C), RF170WDLJX5 (25800-A), RF170WDLUX5 (25067-A, 25067-B, 25067-C), RF170WDRJX5 (25801-A), RF170WDRUB5 (25607-A, 25607-B), RF170WDRUX5 (25069-A, 25069-B, 25069-C)
RF201ACJSX1 (25371-A, 25371-B), RF201ACUSX1 (25372-A, 25372-B), RF201ADJSX5 (25799-A), RF201ADUSB5 (25608-A, 25608-B), RF201ADUSX5 (25072-A, 25072-B, 25072-C)
RS36A72J1 (25075-C, 25823-A), RS36A72U1 (25805-A), RS36A72U1 (25076-B, 25076-C), RS36A80J1 (24300-C), RS36A80J1 (25074-C, 25822-A), RS36A80U1 (24301-C), RS36A80U1 (25073-B, 25073-C, 25804-A), RS36W80LJ1 (24386-C), RS36W80LJ1 (25105-C, 25824-A), RS36W80RJ1 (24387-C), RS36W80RJ1 (25106-C, 25825-A), RS36W80RU1 (24388-C), RS36W80RU1 (25107-B, 25107-C, 25826-A),

Check your filter first before you purchase to ensure compatibility. To buy the older version click on the photo below.

Screen Shot 2020-08-28 at 7

E402BRXFDU5 (25120-A, 25120-B, 25528-A, 25528-B)
E442BLXFDJ5 (25117-A, 25117-B, 25536-A, 25536-B), E442BRXFDJ5 (25116-A, 25116-B, 25542-A, 25542-B), E442BRXFDU5 (25079-A, 25079-B, 25547-A, 25547-B)
E522BLXFDJ5 (25115-A, 25115-B, 25410-A, 25410-B), E522BLXFDU5 (25085-A, 25085-B, 25413-A, 25413-B), E522BRXFDJ5 (25114-A, 25114-B, 25420-A, 25420-B), E522BRXFDU5 (25426-B)
RF522ADJX5 (25113-A, 25113-B, 25434-A, 25434-B), RF522ADUB5 (25401-A, 25401-B, 25401-C, 25401-D), RF522ADUX5 (25087-A, 25087-B, 25442-A, 25442-B), RF522BRDUB5 (25586-A, 25586-B, 25586-C), RF522WDLUX5 (25092-A, 25092-B, 25462-A, 25462-B), RF522WDRUX5 (25091-A, 25091-B, 25474-A, 25474-B)
RF610ADJX5 (25487-B), RF610ADUB5 (25303-A, 25303-B, 25303-C, 25303-D), RF610ADUSX5 (25094-A, 25094-B, 25494-A), RF610ADUX5 (25494-B)
RS90AU1 (24996-C, 25828-A)
RS9120WRU1 (25342-B, 25342-C, 25842-A)
RS7621FLJK1 FP AA 26163-A RS7621FRJK1 FP AA 26164-A RS7621SLHK1 FP AA 26102-A RS7621SLK1 FP AA 26161-A RS7621SRHK1 FP AA 26103-A RS7621SRK1 FP AA 26162-A REFRIG RS7621WLUK1 FP AA 25690-A REFRIG RS7621WLUK1 FP AA 25690-B REFRIG RS7621WRUK1 FP AA 25691-A REFRIG RS7621WRUK1 FP AA 25691-B REFRIG RS7621SLK1 FP HK SG 25755-A REFRIG RS7621SRK1 FP HK SG 25756-A VERTFREEZ RS7621FLJK1 FP HK SG 25761-A VERTFREEZ RS7621FRJK1 FP HK SG 25762-A REFRIG RS7621SRK1 FP AA 24883-C VERTFREEZ RS7621FLJK1 FP AA 25057-C VERTFREEZ RS7621FRJK1 FP AA 25309-C REFRIG RS7621SLK1 FP AA 25304-C REFRIG RS7621SLK1 FP AA 25304-B REFRIG RS7621SRK1 FP AA 24883-B VERTFREEZ RS7621FLJK1 FP AA 25057-B VERTFREEZ RS7621FRJK1 FP AA 25309-B VERTFREEZ RS7621FLJK1 FP AA 25057-A VERTFREEZ RS7621FRJK1 FP AA 25309-A REFRIG RS7621SRK1 FP AA 24883-A REFRIG RS7621SLK1 FP AA 25304-A RF605QNUVB1 FP AA 26002-A RF605QNUVX1 FP AA 26001-A RF605QZUVB1 FP AA 26003-A RF605QDUVB2 FP AA 26094-A RF605QDUVX2 FP AA 26092-A RF605QDVB2 FP AA 26095-A RF605QDVX2 FP AA 26093-A RF605QDUVB1 FP AA 26071-A RF605QDUVX1 FP AA 26069-A RF605QDVB1 FP AA 26072-A RF605QDVX1 FP AA 26070-A RF605QDUVB1 FP AA 25735-A RF605QDVB1 FP AA 25736-A RF605QDUVX1 FP AA 24909-A RF605QDVX1 FP AA 24912-A RS9120WLJ1 FP SG HK 25915-B RS9120WRU1 FP SG HK 25962-B RS9120WRU1 FP AU 26536-A RS9120WRU1 FP NZ 26538-A RS9120WLJ1 FP AA 26531-A RS9120WRJ1 FP AA 26534-A RS9120WLJ1 FP AA 25840-A RS9120WRJ1 FP AA 25841-A RS9120WRU1 FP AU 25842-A RS9120WRU1 FP NZ 25846-A RS9120WRU1 FP AU 25342-C RS9120WRJ1 FP AU 25341-C RS9120WLJ1 FP AA 25340-C RS9120WLJ1 FP AA 25340-B RS9120WRJ1 FP AU 25341-B RS9120WRU1 FP AU 25342-B RS9120WRJ1 FP AU 25341-A RS9120WRU1 FP AU 25342-A RS9120WRU1 FP NZ 25347-A RS9120WLJ1 FP AA 25340-A RS9120WRJ1 FP AA 24924-A RS9120WRU1 FP AA 24925-A RS9120WLJ1 FP AA 24923-A RS9120WRU1 FP NZ 25347-B RS6121FLJK1 FP AA 26159-A RS6121FRJK1 FP AA 26160-A RS6121SLHK1 FP AA 26100-A RS6121SLK1 FP AA 26157-A RS6121SRHK1 FP AA 26101-A RS6121SRK1 FP AA 26158-A REFRIG RS6121WLUK1 FP AA 25692-A REFRIG RS6121WLUK1 FP AA 25692-B REFRIG RS6121WRUK1 FP AA 25693-A REFRIG RS6121WRUK1 FP AA 25693-B WINE CABINET RS6121VL2K1 FP AA 25743-A WINE CABINET RS6121VR2K1 FP AA 25744-A REFRIG RS6121SLK1 FP HK SG 25753-A REFRIG RS6121SRK1 FP HK SG 25754-A VERTFREEZ RS6121FLJK1 FP HK SG 25759-A VERTFREEZ RS6121FRJK1 FP HK SG 25760-A VERTFREEZ RS6121FLJK1 FP AA 25058-C VERTFREEZ RS6121FRRJK1 FP AA 25308-C REFRIG RS6121SLK1 FP AA 25306-C REFRIG RS6121SRK1 FP AA 25305-C REFRIG RS6121SLK1 FP AA 25306-B REFRIG RS6121SRK1 FP AA 25305-B VERTFREEZ RS6121FLJK1 FP AA 25058-B VERTFREEZ RS6121FRRJK1 FP AA 25308-B VERTFREEZ RS6121FLJK1 FP AA 25058-A VERTFREEZ RS6121FRRJK1 FP AA 25308-A REFRIG RS6121SLK1 FP AA 25306-A REFRIG RS6121SRK1 FP AA  RS4621FLJK1 FP AA 26155-A RS4621FRJK1 FP AA 26156-A VERTFREEZ RS4621FLJK1 FP HK SG 25757-A VERTFREEZ RS4621FRJK1 FP HK SG 25758-A VERTFREEZ RS4621FLJK1 FP AA 25059-C VERTFREEZ RS4621FRJK1 FP AA 25307-C VERTFREEZ RS4621FLJK1 FP AA 25059-B VERTFREEZ RS4621FRJK1 FP AA 25307-B VERTFREEZ RS4621FRJK1 FP AA 25307-A VERTFREEZ RS4621FLJK1 FP AA 25059-A RF217TCRW1 EL AA 22238-A RF240BCLW1 EL NZ 21292-E RF240BCLW1 EL NZ 21292-F RF240BCRW1 EL NZ 21291-E RF240BCRW1 EL NZ 21291-F RF331TCRW1 EL NZ 21303-B RF381TCLW1 EL AA 21308-B RF381TCRW1 EL AA 21307-B RC160CW1 EL AA 21313-A RC220XW1 EL AA 21315-A RC280XW1 EL AA 21317-A RC360XW1 EL AA 21319-A RC510XW1 EL AA 21320-A RC701XW1 EL AA 21321-A RF120RCLW1 EL AA 21298-A RF120RCRW1 EL AA 21297-A RF150FCLW1 EL AA 21299-A RF150FCRW1 EL AA 21300-A RF169TCLW1 EL AA 21330-A RF169TCRW1 EL AA 21329-A RF190RCLW1 EL AA 21290-A RF190RCRW1 EL AA 21289-A RF210FCLW1 EL AA 21301-A RF210FCRW1 EL AA 21302-A RF240BCLW1 EL AA 21292-A RF240BCRW1 EL AA 21291-A RF249TCLW1 EL AA 21296-A RF249TCRW1 EL AA 21295-A RF270RCLW1 EL AA 21294-A RF270RCRW1 EL AA 21293-A RF331TCLW1 EL AA 21304-A RF331TCRW1 EL AA 21303-A RF381TCLW1 EL AA 21308-A RF381TCRW1 EL AA 21307-A RF413TCRW 1 EL AA 23000-A RF413TCRW 1 EL AA 23000-A RF440TCLW1 EL AA 23003-A RF440TCRW1 EL AA 23002-A RF521TCLW1 EL AA 23005-A RF521TCRW1 EL AA 23004-A ER50WH1 22164 ER80WH1 22165,
Fisher & Paykel 847200 | Fisher & Paykel FWC3 | Filter Logic FFL-122F |
Aqua Crest AQF-847200 | Eco Aqua EFF-6049A | EcoAqua EFF-6049A
Please have a look to your current filter and compare it with the photo of filter in this link, if it is not the same there should be a part number on your filter , search the number in our website 

Use with Fisher & Paykel refrigerators with Model Numbers starting with RF610, RF522, E522, E442, E422, and E402. Please check your Product code to determine which filter is right for you.

A control panel icon on your fridge will flash to remind you it's time to replace your filter · 

We recommend the filter is changed every 6 months or less for optimal water flowImportant
Note:  Please check your Product code or the Filter Part number which is written on the Filter, to ensure you order the correct Filter:  If your Product code starts with a 25xxx, then order this filter.
If your Product code starts with a 24xxx, you will need to order Part from this link


water filter installation guide 

If you are unsure of your product code, see the following diagram:

Screen Shot 2019-10-02 at 5

Will fit on following types of fridges:

Fisher-Paykel-RF610ADUSX5-614L-French-Door-Fridge-Hero-Image-high-809     ad2ec23e-dc30-4f63-a142-760230eecac6-129  cq ck 1493783162191-922 


All connections must be checked for leaks.
Ensure 6mm tubing is routed away from sharp objects, sharp corners (beware of kinking the tube as this will stop water flow), clear of the refrigerator rear compartment and not in a location where it can be kinked or squashed. Ensure all push-fit connections are firmly pushed into place. The tube should push in 16mm before reaching the stop.
If tubing is removed at any point, re-cut the end and re-insert. Tubing must be fully inserted to avoid leaks.
To remove tube from connection points first turn off the isolating faucet. Gently push the dispensing pad a few times using a glass or container to remove the static line pressure. Push in the collet firmly while pulling back on the tubing at the same time, as shown in Diagram 11.







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